Mar 16

Auto level for the Folger 2020 Prusa i3

I follow a number of FB groups and forums about 3D printing in general and the Folger 2020 i3 in particular and questions about auto level keep coming up.  The 2020 i3 doesn’t ship with autolevel, but when I ordered mine I thought auto level sounded like something I’d like and Folger sold an inductive sensor for just under $4 so I tossed one in with my order.

My first inductive autolevel sensor and mount.

My first inductive autolevel sensor and mount.

Little did I know what I was about to get into.  Let’s see if I can make this a little easier for other people than it was for me!  After the break I’ll explain what autolevel is and how it works as well as share my experiences setting it up and using it.

Continue reading →

Mar 08

Test of Gallery integration

I may be a huge Smugmug fan, but I also do a lot of sites powered by Gallery so here are a few photos of my wedding included using wp-gallery-remote to very easily post them from My parents old website:

{wp-gallery-remote: gallery=1; rootalbum=3596; showalbumtitle=true; showsubalbums=true; showimagesheader=true; imagefilter=include:3597,3601,3604,3613,3618,3997,4007,4009,7615,7635,7639,7641,7647,10390;}

A+ for ease of posting, the easiest way I’ve seen yet to get images into a blog post. But I only give it a C for display. Something went kind of funky with some of the thumbs, and I’m not a big fan of the scroll to see them all. But I can probably tweak it to do something I prefer.

Now if I can just find or make a plugin that works like this for Smugmug I’ll be set!

Mar 08

Starting to settle

I believe all of the Blogger links are now directing here properly. Most of the theme matches, though I still have some fixes to do. Lightbox isn’t quite working automatically for my images, but I suspect I’ll have it going soon. And the new domain name doesn’t seem to be working properly yet. Once I get that figured out the worst thing is the 2 or 3 people who’ve posted on here will have to re-register since I can’t automagically recognize their google accounts anymore.

I did turn on OpenID which lets you use an existing Yahoo account, but it’s kind of involved and confusing to setup through Yahoo.  Google is apparently testing OpenID in a beta version of Blogger but for now it’s not quite an option for those accounts.  So to leave feedback you’ll have to quickly register on here it looks like 🙁

Mar 08

Excuse the dust

I’m giving up on blogger. It’s not that Blogger is bad, just that I much prefer the hack and expand ability of WordPress. As I start to focus in on what I want to do with my personal site when I finally redo it a flexible blog seems more and more important. So I setup a new WordPress blog on my site and am working on redirecting all my traffic to it. So things may be a bit bumpy while some things sort out. Read on for all the details: Continue reading →